Friday, 23 April 2010

Rocking my world this Friday well not getting the job I know I would have been really good at and kicking myself for not being as focussed  as I should have been.Coming second best is no consolation I can tell you not a good place to be .I am grateful for the opportunity to try for something again after failing the first time must be barking to have a go a second time .So I am upsetting myself again so enough of that. I  am greatful for my wonderful family who I love very much and the sun is shining and I have a lot to be thankful for so we will say no more on the subject but I will leave you with a small piece I did ages ago.This is how I feel this morning so I am going to find my pillow and scream into it thus taking Virginias advice see if it makes me feel any better have the headache so wont scream too loud .


  1. Oh Mum you almost got me going again with the water workers - you are an awesome person with brightest of personalities and to be perfectly honest you are simply too good for the post - so relax and try and put things back together one bit at a time - I loved your rejected page when you did it but now it just makes me sad! Sending cyber hugs to you today!

  2. And I'm sending bloggy hugs too Val! You'll never be rejected here! x x

  3. Thankyou for your cyber wishes and kind words and bloggy hugs as well they were much appreciated.Today the sun is shining and my spirits are lighter and I don't feel so rejected this morning so bear with me I will get there .

  4. The page is amazing, absolutely gorgeous. I hope you feel better today Valencia :)

  5. Fabulous page. Sorry you feeling the way you do and hope the pillow-screaming helps! x


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